The Procurement Bill - get the latest with our recorded vlog and detailed briefing paper
The Procurement Bill was introduced to Parliament on 11 May 2022 and has begun its journey towards the statute book. When it becomes the Procurement Act (later in 2022 or early in 2023), it will represent the most significant reform of public procurement law in decades.
In our twenty minute recorded vlog, public procurement specialists Shailee Howard (principal associate) and Jenny Beresford-Jones (professional support lawyer) talk through some of the headline points, and introduce a detailed Briefing Paper of analysis on the first draft of Bill, as well a Procurement Phrasebook which will guide you through some of the new terminology in the Bill.
If you have any queries on procurement law reform do contact Jenny Beresford-Jones and we will try to assist. You could also bookmark the Reform page of our procurement portal, where we will be posting all our materials on the Bill as we create them.