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Premises charges for commissioners announced

Earlier this month the Department of Health (DH) published details of the 2013 -14 charges to commissioners for property costs which are not recoverable from occupiers. Previously these costs fell on Primary Care Trusts if they chose to provide subsidised accommodation. Unsurprisingly NHS Property Services (NHS PS) and Community Health Partnerships (CHP) are not funded to bear these costs. Accountable Officers of CCGs received schedules informing them of the amounts they will need to pay NHS PS and CHP to cover this expense. Information about these charges was set out in a DH letter dated 17 May which accompanied the schedules. It is anticipated that the annual costs contained in the schedules will be further refined as more accurate data based on actual costs incurred is available to NHS PS and CHP.

For further information a set of Frequently Asked Questions issued to CCGs and NHS England provides further explanation of the charging arrangements the make-up of costs and the future billing process.


Mills & Reeve Editorial

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