1 minute read

2015 Regulations are in force!

The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 are now in force for all procurements commenced on or after today. Procurements commenced before today will continue to be regulated by the Public Contracts Regulations 2006. Broadly speaking a procurement will be commenced for these purposes on the date that the advertisement is sent to the OJEU.

We have been busy updating the Procurement Portal in the last couple of weeks and today we're able to share some helpful new content:

You could also contact us with any queries you may have around the new regulations and how they apply to your organisation.

We are in the process of fully updating our Procurement Portal with new content on the 2015 regulations so do check back from time to time to see what we have added. You might also like to sign up to receive timely updates from our procurement blog. 


Jenny Beresford-Jones


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