< 1 minute read

Cautious commissioning

As the NHS (Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition) (No 2) Regulations, 2013 bed in, they are at risk of creating an environment of cautions commissioning with commissioners placing too much emphasis on avoiding a challenge.

Significant resource is being invested in the running of procurements and bidding for contracts. The needs of service users are meant to be at the centre of the competition agenda raising the question: wouldn't this resource be better spent directly on patient care?

Gill Thomas partner at Mills & Reeve interprets the NHS (Procurement Patient Choice and Competition) (No 2) Regulations 2013 in her article To advertise or not to advertise for National Health Executive Nov/Dec 2013. The article is available online here (login required) as well as in the print edition of the magazine.

Monitor is expected to publish the substantive guidance on the Procurement Patient Choice and Competitions Regulations before Christmas.



Tania Richards

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